Friday, August 17, 2012


It's a little after 10pm in a Chicago hotel room. My dad and I met at the airport about 4 hours ago and we have caught up a little on what's going on in our lives.

We're both super excited about the trip that is starting tomorrow. We sat down and reviewed the road we're about to embark on. It will be a busy first day because I still have to pick up the rental car in the morning and then we have to drive downtown to Adams Street near Lake Shore Drive where the Road begins. We're not really sure what this experience will bring us - there will be soooo much to see of that era. One thing is for sure - it will be a great ride.


  1. Exciting... I can just taste the air blowing through the car windows... so jealous! :) Hope you have a good camera and an occasional internet signal to post some of them so we can accompany you along the way!

    - r & s

  2. Yay baby!!!! Can't wait for your daily updates. I miss you but am so excited to see how this adventure will turn out. I love you!!!!!

  3. Goed om te horen dat Padre goed is aangekomen dan, en veel fotos nemen!
